Shechem Ministries consists of seventy-five acres of land located in Central Kentucky in Anderson County. A 1300 sq. ft. cabin, with all aminities, shown on this page, sleeps at least six.
There is no cost, nor are donations accepted.
Occupants must be current or inactive preachers of the Independent New Testament Christian Church or Church of Christ [both instrumental and non-instrumental]. All you will need is the food you will eat.
The Ministry is governed by a board of five (5) preachers of Independent New Testament churches. All decisions concerning the Ministry is made by these men
A preacher, or he and his immediate family are invited to occupy the ministry as a getaway/vacation to have some time away from the world. Priority is given to hurting brothers whose ministry is in jeopardy or are considered in a crisis situation as determined by the Board. If such a brother needs the cabin, vacationing occupants will be asked to vacate with-in 24 hours.