Luke 5:16…And he withdrew himself into the wilderness, and prayed.
This prayer station is the most remote one located on the farm. We created this site so that our occupants could talk to our Lord and seek His guidance through His Spirit.
One thing we have seen in this ministry is that too many times families have suffered because there is too much to do in a church ministry. Seems like the individual is married to his church instead of being married to his wife. This is not to be! Webster defines “asunder” as apart from each other in position. Your position as husband, or your spouse’ position as wife, is to be the “help meet”. One who helps the other or meets the needs of the other. Many ministries are destroyed because of divorce. And divorce comes by failing to communicate and failing to help each other in our marriages. The same is true is our relationship with God. He talks to us through His Word and through His Spirit and we communicate with Him thru our prayers.
We must create time to communicate with our family and well as create a quiet time to communicate with Jesus. As the verse above tells us, He who is our Example, got away from everyone and prayed and communicated with God.
As you pray at this station, listen to what He tells you. As He tells us in
I Kings, the 19th chapter, there was a time when the prophet Elijah communicated with God. But interestingly the Mighty God was not in the strong wind, nor was He in the earthquake. Neither was He to be found in the fire. But, I Kings 19:12 tells us where God was found…(in a) “still small voice”. In order to hear a small still voice, we must we quiet and listen very carefully. Prayerfully, all you will hear Him in this place of solitude. Except for an occasional squirrel chattering or perhaps some other varmint making a noise, you should be able to concentrate and listen to is His voice.
May God bless you as you seek His voice and will in your life and ministry.